tik tok tik tok..
everyone start counting time for 2011 to come.
another year will be starting soooon..cepatnyee masa berlalu.
btw..2010 has been great for me, many things happened and experienced by me such as internship,ACMA,sister graduation,bestfriend weddings,mmu here and there and more of thing i cant really recall tonite..but still the good and bad of everything..i believe that it help me becoming more wiser and mature person in so many way.
so speaking of which, this are the thing im hoping and looking forward in 2011,
.pass and get good result for my fyp 1 so that i can proceed with my fyp 2 next semester.
.to drive myself crazyyy with tons of work.
.to pass and get out from MMU.
.holidayyy trip and getaway.
.and emm..i'll add more along the way :)
anywayy..hoping for 2011 to be a great year for me and ofcoz for all of you jugak.
have a great new year everyone,
i'll see you next year?
till then.